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compound word 復合詞。


The thriving studies on grammaticalization ( full word ' s grammaticalization ) , syntactical functions extension , rationale for compound words , grammaticalization ( lexicalization ) , iconicity , etymology , lexicography , etc . in modern linguistics are directing researchers ' attention to the diachronic and historic perspective in the synchronic research of the lexical semantics of modem chinese 摘要現代語言學研究中的語法化(實詞虛化) 、詞性引申研究,復合詞理據義研究,語法化(詞匯化)研究,象似性、詞源研究,詞典編纂研究等的興盛,帶動了現代漢語詞匯語義的共時研究對歷時、歷史視角的關注。

The latter arises not only from the analytical and explanatory nature of chinese word ? formation that results in a conflict between the need for simple word structure and the need for comprehensive and accurate definition , but also from the ever ? present interference from the connotations of the constituent morphemes of the compound word 后者不僅產生于漢語構詞的獨特性,即漢字的釋義性導致構詞需要的簡潔性與定義需要的全面性、精確性無法兼容,也產生于構詞成分內涵無所不在的干擾。

There are some visible improvements of the items of the perfect homonyms with multi - character in the contemporary chinese dictionary ( 5 edition ) which include : among multi - character words which share the same pronunciation and the same form in the 5 edition , only perfect homonyms have differentiation ; the differentiation and combination of the items of multi - character words more correspond with that of mono - character words ; the differentiation and combination of the compound words which consist of the same morphemes and have corresponding meanings are more consistent ; some of the improper differentiation and combination are corrected 摘要《現代漢語詞典》 (第5版)多字條目的分合改進顯著:在體例上將多字同音形條目的分立專屬同音形詞,多字條目的分合與單字條目更加對應,含有相同語素且意義對應的復合詞在條目分合上更加一致,某些不當分合得到訂正。

In experiments 1 and 2 , disyllabic compound words that shared the same segmental templates but differed in lexical tones ( e . g . , tiao4 yue4 , jump vs . tiao2 yue1 , treaty ; numbers denote tone types ) were used as auditory primes while words that were semantically related to one of the pairs were visually presented for lexical decision 實驗一和二使用具有相同音段信息、但不同聲調信息的雙音節合成詞(如“條約”和“跳躍” )作為聽覺啟動詞,與其中一個詞有語義關系的雙字詞作為視覺探測詞。

A compound word consisting of a noun combined with another noun or modifying adjective , the compound being treated as a noun in apposition ; if the adjective is the final element in a species - group name , its ending is determined by the gender of the noun it modifies ( and not by that of the generic name with which the species - group name is combined ) 一個名詞與另一名詞或修飾性形容詞組成的復合字,這種復合字以同位名詞對待;如果該形容詞為一個種群名稱的最后部份,其結尾由所修飾的名詞的性屬來決定(并非由與該種群名稱相組合的屬名的性屬來決定) 。

Synonym and other compound words among these 185 words , a hypothesis is put forward that one of these two types predated the other , and the wider implications of this hypothesis on lexical stratification are explored with respect to early sino - tai language contact 本文就其中1 8 5個多音節詞分析出數量相若的兩種詞組: ( 1 )泰語漢語與( 2 )漢語泰語,其中有近義詞組,亦有偏正與并列詞組。

For example , in sql server 2005 , compound word tokenizing for german has been improved , and now compounds with more than two component words can be tokenized 例如,在sql server 2005中,德語的復合字標記化功能已得到提高,現在組成成分超過兩個字的復合字也可以標記化了。

A punctuation mark ( - ) used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word , especially when divided at the end of a line of text 連字號用于一個合成詞的兩部分之間的或一個單詞的字節之間的一種標點符號,尤其是一行或一段結束時用

Of letters i am the first letter a , and of compound words the dual word , i am eternal ever flowing time and the four - faced brahma 在所有字母中, “我”就是首字母a 。在組合詞中, “我”就是二元字。 “我”還是永恒的流逝不竭的時間。我還是四面梵王博拉瑪。

We use 106 lists of kanji , each one introducing ten kanji and about 35 compound words containing them , plus all possible readings for each character 一個漢字表有10個漢字和使用這個漢字的大約35個漢字熟語以及它的讀音。

Note : there are no hard and fast rules about which category each compound word goes into but a good dictionary will tell you 注意:復合詞應該屬于哪類詞沒有硬性規定,但查詢一本好詞典一般可以獲得解答。

Is a closed - form compound word that should be treated as a single word and cased accordingly . in pascal case , it is 是一個緊湊格式的復合詞,應將其視為一個單詞并相應地確定大小寫。

You can also help yourself by making a note of new compound words you come across and the category they go into 平時遇到新的復合詞的時候應注意記錄,并了解它應該屬于哪類詞。

Study of phonological encoding of chinese disyllabic compound words in patients with mild cognitive impairment 輕度認知功能損害患者漢語雙詞素詞的語音編碼研究

A study of chinese word building in the middle ancient times from the grammatical structure of compound words in 復合詞的結構方式看漢語造詞法在中古的發展

To determine whether a word is a closed - form compound word , check a current dictionary 若要確定某個單詞是否是緊湊格式的復合詞,請查閱最新的詞典。

The following list identifies some common terms that are not closed - form compound words 下表列出了不是緊湊格式復合詞的一些常用術語。

Analysis on the order of synonymous morphemes of the compound words in modern chinese 現代漢語合成詞中逆序同義語素的位次分析

These are compound words written as a single word , such as “ endpoint “ 這種復合詞是指寫作一個單詞的復合詞,如“ endpoint ” 。